Friday, 22 September 2017

THE DARKEST HOUR (Cry of an angel) Season 1 Episode 30

Never had it been heard in the history of Ndiogoro village that a mare mortal stopped tradition from taking place. And never will it happen presently. Therefore, David and Ernest effort to prevent the killing if the twins was seen to be water poured on a stone.
Ndiogoro villagers gathered the more at the execution arena. David and Ernest stood before the king authoritatively while the elders soliloquized among themselves.
"How dare you try to stop tradition!" the king began. "And you dare raised your voices at me! These girls were once banished from this land, that alone made them strangers over this land"
"Don't use the sins of the father to punish the children" David spoke up.
"Shut up young man!" an elder retorted. "We are talking about tradition here!"
"Yes!" others chorused.
"Tradition of taking ones life is no tradition" Ernest stepped forward. "Cast your mind back in the days when killing of twins was a tradition before it was stopped by Mary Slezor. No tradition worth the life of any man. You only need civilization and education not superstition and bloody traditions!"
Everwhere calmed down after listening to Ernest. As they murmured among themselves, Mrs Williams rushed in. She quickly met her daughters in tears while everybody stared at her. Faith and Adaku stood aside just the way Mike and Sandra stood. Faith saw David once again while Adaku behold Ernest.
"Mother, we are sorry" Monica and Udoka cried looking at their mother who embraced them.
"I warned you but you wouldn't listen" Mrs Williams cried too. She stood up, adjusted her wrapper and located the king standing just as David and Ernest stood. Immediately she saw chief Dike, she disdained him. That reminded them their encounter in the past.
"Please, the people of my late husband, spare my daughters.."
"Quiet woman!" the king interrupted Mrs Williams. "Your daughters committed an abomination. As outcasts, they did not only step into this land but into the dark forest of this land!!"
"Yes!" came the responds from the crowd.
Mrs Williams glanced at her daughters then went on her knees. She rubbed her two palms piteously thereby generating more tears. "Please, I'll do anything you tell me to do but don't kill my daughters"
"There is nothing you can do. Your daughters must die coz there are like strangers to this land!" an elder spoke up.
"My daughters are no strangers of Ndiogoro village!" Mrs Williams stood up boldly then everywhere remained quiet. Chief Dike gently went behind another chief when he heard that.
"Woman, what are you talking about?" the king began. "Do u remember your husband violated the tradition of this land before you were made outcasts?"
"Though my husband always wanted to enter into the dark forest but i never believed and i still don't believe that he did on that faithful day he was killed"
"What are you talking about woman?" the king was still inquisitive.
"Asked my late husband's brother, Dike" Mrs Williams pointed at chief Dike...
Back to the town, Sunday woke up before Trust regardless the fact that he slept late. He sat in front of their apartment with a hand on his jaw. A wrapper could bee seen tied around his shoulder and a chewing stick in his mouth. Just as he gazed thoughtfully, Trust came out. He stretched himself and said, "Bia, this man, what is taking your mind like this?"
Sunny came back to his senses. He hissed without responding to the question then dragged the stick up and down his mouth.
"You remained this way last night until i slept. Now u are still like this. What's the problem?" Trust added.
"The twins are my problem" replied Sunday.
"Chineke!" Trust changed position in a way he looked into Sunday's eyes. He couldn't believe he was the one saying that. "When did Udoka and Monica become your problem?"
"I couldn't get them off my mind last night. It was really strange" Sunday replied.
"It seems like you are falling in love oh"
"Shut up your smelling mouth! I can't fall in love with those girls"
"Then why feeling this way?"
Sunday took off the stick from his mouth thinking critically like an elder. "It's like something bad wants to happen to the twins. That's the only reason why I'm feeling.."
"Hey" Trust interrupted him. "Whatever you feel is a symptom of maleria. I have told you don't be surprise if those girls come inside this compound one day looking very wealthy"
"You dey craze!"
"I craze pass you?" Trust sluggishly entered into the apartment.
Back to Ndiogoro land, everybody stared at chief Dike who came out boldly looking at Mrs Williams.
"Why would you think i have a hand in my brother's death. It was obvious that the reason why he was killed is because he violated the tradition of the land"
"Is a lie! I don't believe it" Mrs Williams retorted. "My people, years ago, Dike here had always wanted to sleep with me without my husband's knowledge.."
"Heey!" the villagers exclaimed while Mrs Williams continued..


  1. Interestn.
    I'm waitn.

  2. interesting....pls make it snappy

  3. So Chief Dike Or What Does He Called Is Also An Animal Clothed In Human Skin.May God Save Those Twins O.Nice One Mr Daniel..I Dey Gbadun You Jooor

  4. pls make it fast can't wait to hear

  5. So interesting,God bless you mr Bright for your wonderful stories.

  6. Wow, sir bright daniel all your story always draw me crazy, i have been following you from halogate movies but i (Emeka eke) didn't regret it.
    Keep it up bro


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